We welcome visitors to enjoy all aspects of Duke Gardens! To give our visitors the best experience possible, we ask that you follow our policies and guidelines outlined below.
Some Important FYIs
- Dogs are only allowed before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m., more information below. No other pets are permitted.
- Drone photography is prohibited.
- Plants should be left for all to enjoy—please do not pick or cut any part of a plant.
- Stay on the paths to help protect our plants.
- Groups must follow all group use policies listed below.
- Portrait and special occasion photography is by permit only. More information below.
- Please do not feed wildlife food intended for people (bread, etc.). It harms them.
- Walk bikes through the Gardens—don’t ride them.
- Carry out what you carry in.
- Supervise children at all times.
- Prohibited items include sports equipment, balls, balloons, kites, scooters, hammocks and tents and more. Please see the full list of prohibited items and activities below.
I would like to see the following guidelines:
Visitor Policies
- Sports equipment
- Balls
- Balloons or kites
- Climbing trees, swimming, wading, boats
- Drones
- Confetti or glitter
- Scooters & bicycles
- Smoking (including electronic cigarettes)
- Alcohol
- Cooking or fires
- Amplified music
- Fishing
- Hammocks or tents
- Tables or chairs
- Weapons
- Dogs are only permitted before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. daily.
- Dogs must be on a non-retractable leash 6 feet or shorter.
- Maximum of two dogs per dog-walker.
- No other pets are allowed.
- Dogs must remain on paths and lawns only, never on or among plantings.
- The same time restrictions apply to dogs being carried through the Gardens.
- Dog handlers are required to pick up after their dogs and dispose of waste in available trash receptacles.
- Dogs may not be left unattended.
- Dogs may not be left in cars and other vehicles.
- Duke Gardens reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove any dog thought to be dangerous to visitors or other dogs.
- Dogs are not permitted in the Discovery Garden, Blomquist Garden, buildings and special events such as plant sales, concerts and the Easter sunrise service, with the exception of service dogs as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (see below).
- Service dogs trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability will be allowed, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
Duke Gardens may photograph visitors and program participants on occasion for promotional purposes. By entering Duke Gardens, visitors are granting their permission to be included in such photographs. Please see our photo/video policies for more information about photographing at Duke Gardens.
The produce from the Charlotte Brody Discovery Garden is donated to benefit local families through community partnerships. Please do not pick any part of these plants. We ask that you leave them for others to enjoy and learn from, and for the benefit of our neighbors.
Group Use Policies
Duke Gardens is a wonderful place to gather!
Many groups have specific registration processes; click the following links to learn more and start the process if your group is interested in:
- pre-K – 12th grade school or other youth group visit
- Duke University & Health System visits and partnerships
- groups from other colleges & universities: visits and partnerships
- community group partnerships
- tours of Duke Gardens
All other groups are welcome to visit while following our group visitation policies, as well as our regular visitation policies.
The maximum group size in the garden is 25. If your group is larger than that, you must split up into smaller groups of 25 or less.
All locations are outdoors; there are no indoor spaces available.
Groups cannot reserve or block off any locations for your exclusive use. We do not rent outdoor areas of the garden. The garden is open to the public, and others will be enjoying it while you visit. If you are hoping to use a particular location, you can check on it when you arrive and share it if there’s space available, but you cannot tell anyone else to leave either before or during your group visit.
The maximum group size in the garden is 25. If your group is larger than that, you must split up into smaller groups of 25 or less.
Duke Gardens runs our own programs in addition to conducting horticultural and maintenance work. We may be using some Gardens locations when you arrive, or we may need you to move in order to do our work. Please follow any instructions given to you by Duke Gardens staff or volunteers.
Everyone must stay on paths (typically gravel or stone) or mowed grass lawns, and out of garden beds (typically topped with mulch or pine straw). There are often plants just off the path that can be damaged by being stepped on; please be careful! Do not pick any parts of plants or remove anything from the Gardens.
If you’ll be gathering together to sit, please find a mowed grass lawn with enough space to accommodate your group. Do not block access to any paths for other visitors. We recommend:
- the South Lawn (named on the Gardens map)
- the lawn next to the Butterfly Garden (near H14 on the Gardens map)
- the lawn around the dawn redwood (near H3 on the Gardens map)
The lawn behind the visitor center (D4 on the Gardens map) is part of our event rental space and generally not available for gathering.
Duke Gardens is open daily from 8 a.m. to sunset. You can use this website to check daily sunset times. Your visit must happen during this time, including any aspects before and after the gathering itself.
Many people visit Duke Gardens to enjoy its various areas. Please allow other visitors to access locations you may be spending time in.
No commercial use of Duke Gardens is allowed.
Even for non-commercial use, you cannot charge a fee for any gathering or visit that takes place in Duke Gardens.
Classes, tours and other instructor-led activities are not permitted in Duke Gardens without pre-approval. Some activities may require a formal partnership with Duke Gardens. Partnerships are formed on a case-by-case basis that depends on multiple factors, including whether a group and activity are aligned with our mission and whether we have the capacity to take on a new partnership. To learn more about approval and partnerships, including how to request one, click on the appropriate link below.
- Duke University and Duke Health System groups, click here.
- Other university or college groups, click here.
- Pre-K to 12th grade school and other youth classes, click here.
- All other groups, click here.
If you would like to take a tour offered by Duke Gardens, please click here.
Be sure to communicate your meeting time and location with your group ahead of time, as well as contact information so that participants can reach you in case they have questions. Duke Gardens cannot provide support in checking people in or helping them find you beyond giving directions to a location named on our map. Participants must know the name of the Gardens location in order for us to provide these directions.
You cannot place signs about your gathering in or around Duke Gardens.
We strongly encourage walking, biking or taking shared transportation to get to the garden. Information about all of those options is available here.
Parking at Duke Gardens is often extremely limited and cannot be guaranteed. If anyone will be driving to the Gardens, please know that Duke University Parking & Transportation charges $2 per hour for parking (no Duke permits are eligible for parking in these lots). They can pay by credit card through the PayByPhone app or website on your mobile device, or with cash at the payment station in the lot. More information about parking at the garden is available here.
Duke Gardens cannot provide parking support beyond the information on that webpage. If you have problems or questions about parking, we encourage you to contact Duke University Parking & Transportation at (919) 684-7275 or tranpark@duke.edu.
All groups coming to Duke Gardens on a bus or shuttle must get in touch with us at GardensEducation@duke.edu. If you have any accessibility questions related to bus drop off, please include them in your email.
Drop off
Buses/shuttles that are 16-seater or smaller may drop off passengers in the lane in front of the visitors center (google maps pin here). No larger buses/shuttles are permitted to use this lane.
All other buses/shuttles must drop off passengers from the bus lane in Parking Lot 1 (see Parking Lot 1 on the Duke Gardens map here; google maps pin here).
Buses/shuttles are not permitted to drop off passengers on the driveway that connects Anderson Street to the parking lots.
Only buses/shuttles bringing a group for a program or tour that is led by Duke Gardens may park at Duke Gardens, as capacity allows. If this applies to your group, you will recieve parking instructions during registration.
All other buses/shuttles must park at 200 Oregon Street (<1 mi away; google maps pin here) after dropping off passengers. The bus/shuttle will need to remain at this parking lot until the visit is finished and it is time for them to pick passengers back up at Duke Gardens.
If you will be having food, you must bring it in yourself. Catering and delivery are not allowed. Cooking and alcohol are not permitted.
You may bring blankets or mats to sit on, as well as any personal items. Materials and equipment that are not allowed include tables & chairs, mics & speakers, signs, decorations like balloons/banners, confetti, and games/sports equipment. You may bring in your own portable chair in the case of accessibility needs.
Duke Gardens does not provide mobility assistance devices for visitor use. For more information about accessibility at Duke Gardens, click here.
Duke Gardens is not an appropriate location for field days or playing games like Frisbee, spikeball or soccer. Please find another lawn on campus or a city park for these activities.
Duke Gardens cannot store any personal items for you, including luggage.
You must collect all waste and take it out with you or place it inside a recycling or trash can (please do not leave anything next to a can).
Do not dump any ice or drinks onto the ground, including on grass or gutters, or into sinks in the Gardens. This damages plants and can disrupt the functionality of our infrastructure.
Duke Gardens cannot provide any support in transporting materials or disposing of waste for your gathering.
Duke Gardens is open to the public and not an appropriate location for gatherings that require strict privacy or confidentiality. Other people may come through the area your group is meeting in at any time, or they may be gathered nearby.
If strict privacy is not a concern, you may have gatherings in Duke Gardens that are only for a particular group, such as friends, family or an interest group. However, know that other visitors may be curious about what you’re doing and try to join or talk with you.
Weddings are not permitted. Please see our weddings page for wedding information.
Classes and other instructor-led activities are not permitted in Duke Gardens without an approved partnership with us. Please see the information on this topic above if you’re interested in this option.
People come to Duke Gardens for many kinds of experiences. This is a shared space with many other people from our community. Please enjoy your time here and be considerate of those around you.
Amplified sound is not permitted.
You and all of your supplies, including easels, must be on paths or lawns and not in garden beds.
You cannot block path access for other visitors.
Be careful not to get any paint or other materials on any plants, including grass, or on paths or structures. Do not dump paint, water or other materials onto the ground, including grass or gutters, or into any sinks at the Gardens. Any small materials you drop must be picked up and removed from the garden.
You must bring any food in to the Gardens yourself. Catering and delivery are not allowed. Cooking and alcohol are not permitted.
You may bring blankets or mats to sit on, as well as any personal items. Materials and equipment that are not allowed include tables & chairs, mics & speakers, signs, decorations like balloons/banners, confetti, and games/sports equipment. You may bring in your own portable chair in the case of accessibility needs.
Collect all your waste after you’re done and either place it inside a trash/recycling can or take it out with you if the can is full. Do not leave any waste next to a trash/recycling can. Do not dump any food, drinks or ice onto the ground or into sinks or gutters.
Do not feed any wildlife in Duke Gardens, including the ducks and koi, as this is harmful to their health.
The maximum group size in the garden is 25. If your group is larger than that, you must split up into smaller groups of 25 or less.
If you’ll be gathering together to sit, please find a mowed grass lawn with enough space to accommodate your group. Do not block access to any paths for other visitors. We recommend:
- the South Lawn (named on the Gardens map)
- the lawn next to the Butterfly Garden (near H14 on the Gardens map)
- the lawn around the dawn redwood (near H3 on the Gardens map)
The lawn behind the visitor center (D4 on the Gardens map) is part of our event rental space and generally not available for gathering.
Feel free to use any of our self-guided materials during your visit! Many are available online here for you to download or print at home, and others are available for pickup in the visitor center.
Photography Policies
- Portrait: Anyone having a portrait taken at Duke Gardens, including those celebrating their quinceañera, wedding, engagement, proposals, birthday, family, maternity, graduation or any other special situation.
- Intent: Any visit to Duke Gardens where the main purpose is taking portrait, family or special occasion photography, rather than a recreational visit to the Gardens.
- A photographer: Either amateur, student or professional. Someone (or several) who are the designated photographer(s) within your party.
- Props & makeup: Flowers (real or artificial), luggage that contain props, makeup cases.
- A change of clothes: Changing in or out of outfits.
- Prom: Students from Durham Public Schools are welcome to take portraits on prom weekends with friends and family. But professional photographers must still apply for a permit.
All portrait photography must be approved and scheduled in advance, and the application form must be filled out in order to request a photo session date. Once we receive your request, you will be contacted by the special events office for availability and payment. Photographers who do not pre-schedule may be approached by staff members during their photo session regarding scheduling and payment.
Portrait mini-sessions: In order to fulfill our mission with regard to a positive visitor experience for all, Duke Gardens prohibits photographers from scheduling more than one portrait session in one day. Mini-sessions are not permitted.
- Balloons, glitter, confetti, rice, flower petals and flying lanterns — or any other materials that leave waste or residue —are strictly prohibited.
- Props such as a table, chair, mirror, environmentally unfriendly materials that may harm wildlife, or any unusual props that may be dangerous or disruptive to other visitors, are strictly prohibited. Please contact the special events office for the full list of props that are not permitted.
- Do not hang drapes or leave items on trees, benches or walls.
- Do not climb trees or stand on walls, rails or fountains.
- Moving or removing potted plants (inside or out) or structures that are part of the Gardens—such as benches, containers, displays, plant signs, fences, etc.—is strictly prohibited.
- No photographers, assistants or subjects may step in plant beds, fountains or places other than on designated paths. Climbing or mounting equipment in trees or on buildings or other structures is not permitted. Tripods must also stay on paths.
- Do not place equipment or subjects where they will block pathways or restrict visitor access.
- All photo subjects must be fully and appropriately clothed. Swimsuit, underwear and boudoir photo shoots are not permitted.
- Please be advised that some areas of Duke Gardens may not be accessible or available at times due to restoration, programs, event rentals or unforeseen circumstances.
- Photographers and their clients gain access to Duke Gardens only when the gardens are open to the public.
- Photographers must display their permits visibly on their clothing or equipment.
- Clients must arrive camera-ready, as there are no dressing room facilities.
- The photographer is responsible for the conduct of their party. Photographers who do not abide by these guidelines (including members of their party) will be subject to permanent loss of privileges. Duke Gardens reserves the right to cancel a photography session without a refund and to remove any party from the premises for violations of any of our policies.
- Photographers must display their permits visibly on their clothing or equipment.
- You must set up your shoot in a manner that does not impact visitors or disrupt events or garden maintenance.
- Please keep your confirmation email or payment receipt (as proof of payment), your personal items and equipment with you at all times. If you do not have proof of purchase, you and your party may be asked to leave the property.
- Duke Gardens staff reserves the right to determine when a photographer and/or their party meet the requirements for purchasing a photography permit and may deny entry or remove them from the grounds if a permit is not available or acquired.
- Duke Gardens staff has the authorization to intervene in any photo shoot that is violating any stated policies.
Duke Gardens and its facilities are subject to weather variations and temporary closures. The Gardens will attempt to reschedule should a session need to be canceled, but there will be no refunds. Shooting dates may be adjusted in the event of inclement weather; any changes must be agreed upon by our special events office. For more information, please contact the special events office at 919-668-5100.
Commercial or independent videographers, please see Duke University’s photo and video policies regarding filming on campus. All videography applications — including proposed Duke student video projects — must be submitted at least two weeks in advance to Duke Gardens for approval by Duke Gardens and Duke University. To submit a videography request, please email marketing & communications director Lauren Smith Hong. Please note that drones are not permitted.
Commercial photographers, please see Duke University’s photo and video policies regarding filming on campus. All commercial photo shoot applications must be submitted to Duke Gardens for approval by Duke Gardens and Duke University at least 30 days in advance of your proposed date. To submit a commercial photography request, please email marketing & communications director Lauren Smith Hong. Please note that drones are not permitted.
Drone photography is prohibited, in order to ensure Gardens visitors’ safety and privacy, as well as the safety of Life Flight helicopters flying to and from Duke University Hospital. Please see Duke University’s drone policy for more information.
When visiting on their own, artists and nature photographers do not need a permit. But they must adhere to the guidelines and not damage plants or disrupt other visitors or Gardens activities.
Artists or nature photographers seeking to bring a class for a field trip to the Gardens, or photo clubs seeking to visit, must register their groups in advance. Such groups may be asked to restrict their activities to certain places or times, depending on the Gardens’ schedule and the size of the group.
Artists may enter their Duke Gardens images in photography competitions, but any sales of images may be restricted, as noted in the trademarks section below.
The imagery, logo and name of Sarah P. Duke Gardens are registered trademarks and may not be used by outside parties without permission. If you plan to sell your work, please visit the Duke University Office of Trademark Licensing for information on the university’s trademarks and how they may or may not be used.
Programs & Registration Policies
You may cancel or revise your registration and receive a refund of your fee up to five business days before the first day of the program.
Please use your registration confirmation code to amend or cancel registration. We do not retain or refund fees directly from the registration system, so please notify us of cancellations via email at gardenseducation@duke.edu or by phone at 919-668-1707, so we can follow up on your refund.
Refunds will be credited back to the credit card used for payment. Duke Gardens reserves the right to cancel a program for any reason. Any programs canceled by Duke Gardens will result in a full refund or credit toward another program. Should a program be postponed, for any reason, you will have the option to receive a full refund or transfer your registration to the new date or to another program.
Refunds/credits are not available for participants who fail to attend a program for which they have registered.
Registration for programs at Duke Gardens confirms that Duke Gardens has permission to take photographs during this event to use in publications. If you would prefer not to be in photographed, please inform us preceding or at the start of the event.
We will use your information to respond to you regarding the reason you contacted us and to inform you of additional available programs at Duke Gardens. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.
Questions about our policies and guidelines?
Please contact us at 919-684-3698 or gardens@duke.edu.