The Duke Gardens Annual Fund provides unrestricted mission-essential support to all areas of the Gardens, from our world-class plant displays to community outreach initiatives and so much more.
Duke Gardens is an indispensable and lasting feature of life in the Duke and Durham communities. It is a place of big moments and “firsts”; a sanctuary for respite and well being; a living classroom for students of all ages. But all this would not be possible without the Duke Gardens Annual Fund, which provides critical funding to sustain operations.
More than 60% of the Gardens’ operating budget is funded by individual donors, whose generosity keeps the Gardens growing, now and for years to come.
Contributions are part of the Duke Annual Fund and are used entirely for the benefit and purposes of Duke Gardens. Duke alumni also receive reunion class gift credit. Gifts are tax deductible.

Questions about the Annual Fund?
Please contact us at 919-668-1711 or