Garden Talk Index
Duke Gardens periodically spotlights specific plants that are found in our 55-acre living collection, and related topics. This week, marketing and communications assistant Katherine Hale explores some lesser-known pollinators, as we celebrate National Pollinator Week (June 17-23). Read more here.
Photo by Clarence Burke.
More Garden Talk highlights:
Jan. 10: Chinese windmill palm
Jan. 22: overwintering for native wildlife
Feb. 2: cast iron plant
Feb. 12: Brassica plants
Feb. 14: Chinese cornel dogwood
Feb. 19: Ozark witch hazel
March 1: "What Kind of Tree Is That?" with Leaf & Limb
March 14: Preventing soil compaction
March 22: Chinese fringe flower
April 1: Pollen Season
April 26: California poppy
May 14: bamboo
June 5: bigleaf hydrangea
June 17: lesser-known pollinators
September 4: creeping fig
Jan. 9: dawn redwood
Jan. 20: Persian ironwood
Feb. 8: flowering plum
Feb. 9: tree care with Leaf & Limb
Feb. 20: coast redwood
Feb. 27: Cherokee sedge
Feb. 28: Loebner magnolia
March 7: dwarf Fuji cherry
March 16: The Women of Duke Gardens
April 10: koi
April 18: pollinator syndromes
April 20: Japanese roof iris
May 3: Try This, Not That: Aquatic Plants & Water Features
May 11: The Blomquist Garden, Rare Plants and Dogs
May 19: Southern magnolia
May 22: Bringing the Prairie to the People
June 1: Try This, Not That: Crevice & Rock Gardening
June 7: China fir
June 26: okra
July 3: daylilies
Aug. 2: powdery alligator-flag
Aug. 8: chocolate mint
Aug. 14: dwarf tigertail spruce
Aug. 24: woodland pinkroot
Sept. 11: river oats
Sept. 22: determining a tree's age
Nov. 3: blackstem bamboo in bloom
Nov. 8: low-resource groundcovers
Nov. 9: Blomquist carnivorous plant bog
Nov. 20: fall foliage highlights
Dec. 11: winter tree identification
Dec. 20: 'Little Missy' boxwood
Jan. 24: hybrid hellebores
Feb. 2: corkscrew hazel
Feb. 4: Asiatic Arboretum pond improvement project
Feb. 24: winter fragrance
March 2: saucer magnolia
March 4: spring bulbs
March 16: 'Daybreak' Yoshino cherry trees
March 28: spring ephemerals
April 5: eastern redbud
April 15: flowering dogwood
May 6: common duckweed
June 7: coral honeysuckle
June 14: beebalm
July 6: weeping bald cypress
July 13: pattypan squash
July 19: mountain mint
July 29: 'Natchez' crapemyrtle
Aug. 2: sensitive plant
Aug. 17: sweet basil
Aug. 25: leopard plant
Aug. 29: eggplants
Sept. 20: Japanese anemone
Oct. 5: tea camellia
Oct. 14: Tatarian aster
Oct. 20: The Wonderful World of Chrysanthemums
Oct. 22: Japanese garden design
Nov. 2: The Virtues of a Messy Garden
Nov. 9: Survive vs. Thrive
Dec. 12: A Diversity of Christmas Trees
Dec. 14: rosemary
Feb. 1: kale
Feb. 10: 'Autumn Frost' butternut squash
March 26: Deer in Duke Gardens
July 28: Summer in the Vegetable Garden
August 25: hot peppers
Sept 15: obedient plant
Sept. 27: anise-scented sage
Nov. 10: fall color change
Nov. 24: southern wax myrtle
Dec. 8: Gardening for Wildlife with Wild Fruits
Dec. 15: Duke Gardens plum yew
Dec. 23: Christmas fern
Jan. 31: 'Tama-no-Ura' camellia
Feb. 3: shagbark hickory
Feb. 26: winter daphne
Mar. 3: lilac daphne
Mar. 11: weeping peach
March 21: End of the Winter Garden
April 7: epimedium 'Amber Queen'
April 14: 'Dojean' tree peony
April 22: native hedgerows
June 22: Build a Pollinator House
June 24: Aechmaea 'Yellow Berries'
June 29: Water, Water, Everywhere
July 15: blackberry lily
July 20: Japanese black pine
July 24: lavender 'Phenomenal'
Aug. 6: purple coneflower
Sept. 9: 'Moon and Stars' watermelon
Sept. 21: seashore mallow
Oct. 30: ginkgo tree
Nov. 13: native spices
Nov. 25: Letting Leaves Lie
Dec. 14: Making Compost
Jan. 3: Algerian Iris
Jan. 7: eastern white pine
Jan. 14: wintersweet
Jan. 21: variegated butterbur
Jan. 28: hazel alder
Feb. 4: dwarf palmetto
Feb. 11: magnolia pruning+tree removal
Feb. 18: giant snowdrop
Feb. 25: split corona daffodil
March 4: fairy wings
March 19: trout lily
April 9: pawpaw
April 16: Blomquist spring ephemerals
May 1: columbine
May 17: hosta 'Kiwi Full Monty'
May 22: catmint
May 31: clary sage
June 4: Disease in the Rose Garden
June 17: National Pollinator Week
July 11: feather cactus
July 22: plumleaf azalea
July 29: honey extraction
Sept. 3: surprise lily
Sept. 21: plant sale preview - ginger lily
Sept. 25: plant sale preview - pink banana
Oct. 10: Conservation horticulture + Blomquist south entrance
Oct. 14: Fall Harvest Season + Harvest Fest
Oct.20: weeping rostrinucula
Oct. 29: spiders
Oct. 30: chrysanthemums + Festival of Fabulous Mums
Nov. 25: climbing aster
Nov. 29: winter bird feeding
Dec. 16: Japanese sacred lily
Dec. 23: hollies and holiday evergreens