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Culberson Asiatic Arboretum

Named for Duke professor and former Duke Gardens director William Louis Culberson, the 18-acre arboretum represents the wealth of floral diversity in East Asia.

Exploring its trails, you will find garden favorites such as Japanese maples, irises, peonies, ginger lilies and cherries, as well as a host of less familiar but botanically interesting species. Enhancing the landscape are features typically associated with Asian gardens—stepping stone pathways, stone lanterns and water basins, large boulders and a variety of architecturally accurate gates and bridges. 

Enjoy these Asiatic Arboretum highlights, which are featured on the Gardens map below.

Japanese-style gatehouse flanked by yellow chrysanthemum flowers and red fall tree foliage

Arboretum Entrance Gate

Gardens Map A1

A close-up image of dark green moss on a tree branch also covered in lichen

Kremen Interpretative Moss Garden

Gardens Map A2

A Japanese garden with a teahouse and trees and a man in a kimono pouring water into a basin

Durham-Toyama Sister Cities Pavilion & Teahouse

Gardens Map A3. Learn More > 

A Japanese garden pavilion with a wooden wall and circular window with purple and green shrubs around it.

Garden for Peace

Gardens Map A4

A stone path lined with small bamboo arches curves through a moss garden.

Kathleen Smith Moss Garden

Gardens Map A5

An arched red bridge with a reflection in a large pond, with trees all around and a Japanese lantern sculpture to the left of the bridge.

Meyer Bridge

Gardens Map A6. Learn More >

A close-up image of pink peony flowers in full bloom


Gardens Map A7

Pine Clouds in the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum

Pine Clouds Mountain Stream

Gardens Map A8.  Learn More >

Wooden gazebo on a hill with green trees and shrubs, boulders and pink flowers in the foreground.

Ruth Mary Meyer Japanese Garden

Gardens Map A9

A blue heron overlooks the pond at Duke Gardens with the red bridge in the background

Waterfowl Observation Area

Gardens Map A10

Zig-zag Bridge

Gardens Map A11

Duke Gardens map with the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum highlighted in green

Named for Duke professor and former Duke Gardens director William Louis Culberson, the 18-acre arboretum represents the wealth of floral diversity in East Asia.

Exploring its trails, you will find garden favorites such as Japanese maples, irises, peonies, ginger lilies and cherries, as well as a host of less familiar but botanically interesting species. Enhancing the landscape are features typically associated with Asian gardens—stepping stone pathways, stone lanterns and water basins, large boulders and a variety of architecturally accurate gates and bridges. 

Enjoy these Asiatic Arboretum highlights, which are featured on the Gardens map below.

Japanese-style gatehouse flanked by yellow chrysanthemum flowers and red fall tree foliage

Arboretum Entrance Gatehouse

Gardens Map A1

A close-up image of dark green moss on a tree branch also covered in lichen

Kremen Interpretative Moss Garden

Gardens Map A2

A Japanese garden with a teahouse and trees and a man in a kimono pouring water into a basin

Durham-Toyama Sister Cities Pavilion & Teahouse

Gardens Map A3. Learn More > 

A Japanese garden pavilion with a wooden wall and circular window with purple and green shrubs around it.

Garden for Peace

Gardens Map A4

A stone path lined with small bamboo arches curves through a moss garden.

Kathleen Smith Moss Garden

Gardens Map A5

An arched red bridge with a reflection in a large pond, with trees all around and a Japanese lantern sculpture to the left of the bridge.

Meyer Bridge

Gardens Map A6. Learn More >

A close-up image of pink peony flowers in full bloom


Gardens Map A7

Pine Clouds in the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum

Pine Clouds Mountain Stream

Gardens Map A8.  Learn More >

Wooden gazebo on a hill with green trees and shrubs, boulders and pink flowers in the foreground.

Ruth Mary Meyer Japanese Garden

Gardens Map A9

A blue heron overlooks the pond at Duke Gardens with the red bridge in the background

Waterfowl Observation Area

Gardens Map A10

Zig-zag Bridge

Gardens Map A11

Duke Gardens map with the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum highlighted in green

Click map to enlarge

Traditional Japanese tea gatherings in the Culberson Asiatic Arboretum encourage visitors to appreciate life’s smallest moments of beauty. Watch UNC-TV’s “One Moment, One Meeting” to learn more.

Watch Now ›

Plant Highlights in the Asiatic Arboretum


Azure Bluets
Houstonia caerula
Pink hydrangea flower clusters.
Hydrangea macrophylla
Close-up of a blackberry lily flower with a soft focus background.
Iris domestica (syn. Belamcanda chinesis)
Leafy foliage of cast iron plant.
Aspidistra elatior
A cluster of three rounded evergreen cryptomeria trees in a snowy landscape
Cryptomeria japonica
‘PIICJ-I’ Chapel View™
Green China fir foliage with yellow pollen catkins at the tips.
Cunninghamia lanceolata
Bright yellow Chinese dogwood flowers on a bare branch.
Cornus officinalis
Pink Chinese fringe flower in bloom.
Loropetalum chinense
White peony flowers
Three large pink chrysanthemum flowers in front of a small pond and waterfall, with trees in the background.
Trunk of dawn redwood tree in a grassy lawn.
Metasequioa glyptostroboides
Daylily - Primal Scream
‘Primal Scream’
Close-up of delicate white and pink flowers, with twisting branches in a soft-focus background.
Prunus incisa
Open meadow full of epimedium in bloom
'Amber Queen'
Close-up of pink Epimedium flowers
Epimedium sutchuenense
Yellow ginkgo foliage in a woodland setting.
Ginkgo biloba
Golden larch branches in autumn
Pseudolarix amabilis
Hosta Victory
A Japanese black pine in a Japanese garden.
Pinus thunbergii
Pink and white camellia flower
Camellia japonica
Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum
Japanese Maple (Moonrise)
Acer palmatum
Acer palmatum
'Beni otake'
Close-up of red and orange toned leaves of a Japanese maple tree.
Acer palmatum
Rolled needles of Korean fir.
Abies koreana
A close-up of a shrub with dark green shiny leaves and red berries.
Ilex rotunda
Heart-shaped foliage of leopard plants beside a flowing stream.
Farfugium japonicum
Purple Loebner magnolia flower with a soft focus background.
Magnolia × loebneri
Close-up of tree trunk with red strips of peeling bark.
Acer griseum
Close-up o a trio of yellow flowers with green centers on a slim brown stem, with more flowers in soft-focus in the background.
Edgeworthia chrysantha
Two images of pink banana flowers and fruit.
Musa velutina
Close-up of a red spider lily in bloom.
Lycoris radiata
Purple Tatarian aster flowers in bloom
Aster tataricus
Close-up of a white tea camellia flower on a leafy branch
Camellia sinensis
White dogwood flowers with bright green leaves.
Cornus kousa
Close-up of pink weeping peach flowers.
Prunus persica
'Crimson Cascade'
Close-up of delicate white flowers with pale yellow stamens and green leaves in the background.
Hedychium coronarium
Delicate yellow flowers on a slim branch with a soft-focus background.
Corlyopsis willmottiae
Variegated winter daphne leaves and flowers.
Daphne odora
Eight delicate yellow flowers on a pair of slim branches with a blue sky in the background.
Chimonanthus praecox

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