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What’s Beautiful This Season

Below are some plants that are especially interesting or typically in bloom this season at Duke Gardens. 

Every year unfolds differently, depending on seasonal weather conditions. For an idea of plants you may wish to seek out this week, please download our “What’s Beautiful Now” map.

Spring Highlights

Evergreen needles of Duke Gardens plum yew.
Cephalotaxis harringtonia
'Duke Gardens'
A row of dwarf boxwood plants in a formal garden.
Buxus microphylla
‘Little Missy’
About a dozen coral pink azalea flowers in a close-up with a soft-focus background.
A trained weeping bald cypress over a staircase.
Taxodium distichum
‘Cascade Falls’
Close-up of four white bloodroot flowers with yellow centers, amid brown pine straw and fallen brown leaves.
Sanguinaria canadensis
Leafy foliage of cast iron plant.
Aspidistra elatior
Close-up of multi-toned pink rhododendron flowers with green leaves and a green soft-focus background.
Rhododendron catawbiense
A cluster of three rounded evergreen cryptomeria trees in a snowy landscape
Cryptomeria japonica
‘PIICJ-I’ Chapel View™
Low-growing clumps of Cherokee sedge in a woodland setting.
Carex cherokeensis
Green China fir foliage with yellow pollen catkins at the tips.
Cunninghamia lanceolata
Bright yellow Chinese dogwood flowers on a bare branch.
Cornus officinalis
Pink Chinese fringe flower in bloom.
Loropetalum chinense
White peony flowers
Coast redwood foliage and developing cones.
Sequoia sempervirens
Columbine flower
Aquilegia canadensis
Close-up of three yellow daffodil flowers with orange centers, and deep green leaves below.
Trunk of dawn redwood tree in a grassy lawn.
Metasequioa glyptostroboides
Close-up of white cherry blossoms and pink buds, with more blossoms in soft focus in the background.
Prunus × yedoensis
Close-up of a delicate bright yellow flower with green speckled leaves, surrounded by brown leaves and pine straw.
Erythronium umbilicatum
Close-up of delicate white and pink flowers, with twisting branches in a soft-focus background.
Prunus incisa
Bicolor needles of dwarf tigertail spruce.
‘Howell’s Dwarf’
Eastern redbud flowers.
Cercis candensis
Open meadow full of epimedium in bloom
'Amber Queen'
Close-up of pink Epimedium flowers
Epimedium sutchuenense
Flowering dogwood blooms.
Cornus florida
Close-up of purple grape hyacinth flowers
Muscari spp.
Close-up of two blooming hyacinth plants, each with groups of white flowers on it and deep green leaves, with woodchips and shrubs in the background.
Hyacinthus orientalis
A Japanese black pine in a Japanese garden.
Pinus thunbergii
Rolled needles of Korean fir.
Abies koreana
Purple Loebner magnolia flower with a soft focus background.
Magnolia × loebneri
Close-up of tree trunk with red strips of peeling bark.
Acer griseum
Close-up of red pawpaw flower.
Asimina trilobata
Blue rosemary flowers and foliage.
Salvia rosmarinus (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Purple magnolia flowers breaking bud
Magnolia × soulangeana
Close-up of a deep pink flower with willowy pteals and narrow green leaves.
Rhododendron linearifolium
White hawthorn blossoms and green leaves.
Crataegus phaenopyrum
White dogwood flowers with bright green leaves.
Cornus kousa
Close-up of pink weeping peach flowers.
Prunus persica
'Crimson Cascade'

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Questions about what’s beautiful this season?

Please contact us at 919-684-3698 or